Kristy Ironside's new book “A Full-Value Ruble: The Promise of Prosperity in the Postwar Soviet Union”
(Harvard University Press, 2021)

Between prejudices and justice: Closed trials of female collaborators in Crimea (1944-1953)
The article by Irina Makhalova in "Cahiers du monde russe" is out

Postdoctoral Fellow in the History of World War II and Soviet Society
Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of history of World War II and Soviet society, history of Stalinism, as well as other topics dealing with Soviet and post-Soviet history and culture more broadly.

Trade, Jews, and the Soviet Economy in Western Belorussia, 1939–1941
The article by Yanina Karpenkina in Holocaust and Genocide Studies is out

To seek vengeance or not? How the Evolution of Revenge Propaganda Occurred in the Soviet Military Periodical Press
The article by Alemzhan Arinov is out in the new issue of the Journal of Slavic Military Studies

‘The Past Is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past’
This summer, the HSE Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences was reorganized to become the HSE Institute for Advanced Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies. Oleg Budnitskii, Doctor of Historical Sciences, head of the Centre and director of the Institute, talked to the HSE News Service about the new division.

The new book "Другая Россия: Исследования по истории русской эмиграции" by Oleg Budnitskii is about to appeared
"Drugaja Rossija: Issledovanija po istorii russkoj jemigracii"

"The Soviet narrative of the Warsaw ghetto uprising"
a new article by Gennady Estraikh has been published in the journal "Acta Poloniae Historica" (123, 2021)

Lost in Recalculation: How to Estimate the Scale of the Soviet Economy and Its Rate of Growth
Researchers trying to compare economic data of the USSR and capitalist countries face questions of the comprehensiveness, accessibility, and reliability of data on Soviet economic production and growth. At an online seminar hosted by the HSE University International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences, Assistant Professor Ilya Voskoboynikov (Faculty of Economic Sciences, HSE University) presented an overview of available approaches to studying the absolute size of the Soviet economy and its growth rates.