Internship at the USHMM for the HSE students
Each year, the Institute of Soviet and Post-Soviet History and the Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington, USA) invites undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of the HSE University to take part in a 6-week internship as research assistants at the Center for Higher Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington D.C., USA).
For more information about the Holocaust Memorial Museum and its internship programs, see the Museum's website.
The impressions of students who have participated in the internship programs since 2011 can be viewed below (in Russian):
Комаров Владимир
Россман Элла
Сатыева Мария
Чернышева Василина
Малыгина Екатерина
Стаф Владислав
Карпенкина Янина
Заплатина Анастасия
Кривцова Елена
Маслова Александра
Нартова Алина и Морозов Олег
Герасимова Юлия
Старков Арсений

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